Hi Everyone!
I just came back from my cousin’s wedding in the Free State! Gosh, I was soooo tired that I just climbed in bed when I got back and even had
to take a day off in the week. I was, however, quickly restored because I’ve
been on such a ‘happy high’ because I had a fantastic time catching up with my
extended family!
So my cousin had a traditional wedding with a twist I guess
(it’s becoming a trend in my family now) and all my family members looked
absolutely amazing! The bride wanted the wedding to have a blue ‘shweshwe’ theme which really came together on the wedding day. My mom and I also like to edge it up and give it that modern lady
look and I actually love how it turned out.
So we left Wednesday night because we were travelling by
bus. I was actually super tired because I had a full work day and a bit of
overtime that day and had to catch the bus at 11:30pm. We were stuck at Park
Station for a while and it was ridiculously cold. I had one handbag and a
camera bag with a little blanket (because I was wearing leggings) so that I
could use it on my legs if it got cold and had to give it to my mom because she
was wearing a denim jacket. I’ll repeat: A DENIM JACKET.
Fast forward to a thousand years later, we finally arrived
and literally every member of my family rocked up and I was so happy to see
them. I even got to meet a few relatives that I haven’t seen in a while. So my
favourite part of the wedding was definitely decorating the venue with the
bride and taking all the behind the scenes photos because it helped me to
interact with people and capture the best moments.
Mom and I had our outfits made at home so it was relatively
affordable and I definitely loved how it came together with the head wrap. The
shoes ended up looking bomb with this dress but it was truly not planned
because those are the only black shoes I own (other platforms would have been
too slippery) that my feet were going to be able to manage to walk in a
mountainous structure.